mod_functions.f90 Source File

This module contains the main routines of ROHSA

This file depends on

sourcefile~~mod_functions.f90~~EfferentGraph sourcefile~mod_functions.f90 mod_functions.f90 sourcefile~mod_array.f90 mod_array.f90 sourcefile~mod_functions.f90->sourcefile~mod_array.f90 sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_functions.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_optimize.f90 mod_optimize.f90 sourcefile~mod_functions.f90->sourcefile~mod_optimize.f90 sourcefile~mod_array.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90 sourcefile~mod_optimize.f90->sourcefile~mod_array.f90 sourcefile~mod_optimize.f90->sourcefile~mod_constants.f90

Files dependent on this one

sourcefile~~mod_functions.f90~~AfferentGraph sourcefile~mod_functions.f90 mod_functions.f90 sourcefile~mod_rohsa.f90 mod_rohsa.f90 sourcefile~mod_rohsa.f90->sourcefile~mod_functions.f90 sourcefile~main.f90 main.f90 sourcefile~main.f90->sourcefile~mod_rohsa.f90


Source Code

Source Code

!! This module contains the main routines of ROHSA
module mod_functions
  !! This module contains the main routines of ROHSA
  use mod_constants
  use mod_optimize
  use mod_array
  implicit none

  public :: mean_array, mean_map, dim2nside, dim_data2dim_cube, reshape_up, reshape_down, go_up_level, init_spectrum, &
       upgrade, update, set_stdmap, std_spectrum, mean_spectrum, max_spectrum, init_grid_params, init_new_gauss

  pure function dim2nside(dim_cube)
  !! Compute nside value from \(dim_y\) and \(dim_x\) 
    implicit none

    integer :: dim2nside !! nside of the cube
    integer, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dim_cube !! cube dimension
    dim2nside = max(0,int(ceiling(log(real(dim_cube(2))) / log(2.))), int(ceiling(log(real(dim_cube(3))) / log(2.))))
  end function dim2nside

  subroutine dim_data2dim_cube(nside, dim_data, dim_cube)
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dim_data
    integer, intent(inout), dimension(3) :: dim_cube
    integer :: nside
    dim_cube(1) = dim_data(1)
    dim_cube(2) = 2**nside
    dim_cube(3) = dim_cube(2) 
  end subroutine dim_data2dim_cube

  subroutine reshape_up(data, cube, dim_data, dim_cube)
  !! Reshape the data in a grid of \( 2^{nside} \)
    implicit none
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable    :: data !! original cube
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube !! reshape cube
    integer, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dim_data !! original cube dimension
    integer, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dim_cube !! new cube dimension
    integer :: offset_w, offset_h
    offset_w = (dim_cube(2) - dim_data(2)) / 2
    offset_h = (dim_cube(3) - dim_data(3)) / 2
    cube(:, offset_w+1:offset_w+dim_data(2), offset_h+1:offset_h+dim_data(3)) = data
  end subroutine reshape_up

  subroutine reshape_down(cube, data, dim_cube, dim_data)
    !! Reshape the cube (\( 2^{nside} \)) into a grid with original dimension (opposite of reshape_up)
    implicit none

    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube !! original cube
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: data !! reshape cube
    integer, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dim_data !! original cube dimension
    integer, intent(in), dimension(3) :: dim_cube !! new cube dimension
    integer :: offset_w, offset_h
    offset_w = (dim_cube(2) - dim_data(2)) / 2
    offset_h = (dim_cube(3) - dim_data(3)) / 2
    data = cube(:, offset_w+1:offset_w+dim_data(2), offset_h+1:offset_h+dim_data(3)) 
  end subroutine reshape_down

  subroutine mean_array(nside, cube, cube_mean)
    !! Average cube along spatial axis depending on level n 
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: nside !! nside of the cube
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube !! cube
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube_mean !! average cube

    integer :: i, j, k, l, n
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: spectrum

    spectrum = 0.
    n = size(cube, dim=2) / nside

    do i=1,size(cube_mean,dim=2)
       do j=1,size(cube_mean,dim=3)
          do k=1,n
             do l=1,n
                spectrum = spectrum + cube(:,k+((i-1)*n),l+((j-1)*n))
          spectrum = spectrum / (n**2)
          cube_mean(:,i,j) = spectrum
          spectrum = 0.
  end subroutine mean_array

  subroutine mean_map(nside, map, map_mean)
    !! Average map depending on level nside 
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: nside !! nside
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: map !! map
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: map_mean !! avarage map

    integer :: i, j, k, l, n
    real(xp) :: val

    val = 0.
    n = size(map, dim=2) / nside

    do i=1,size(map_mean,dim=1)
       do j=1,size(map_mean,dim=2)
          do k=1,n
             do l=1,n
                val = val + map(k+((i-1)*n),l+((j-1)*n))
          val = val / (n**2)
          map_mean(i,j) = val
          val = 0.
  end subroutine mean_map

  subroutine go_up_level(cube_params)
    !! Projection of the solution at next level (nside += 1)
    implicit none

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube_params !! cube of parameters

    integer :: i, j, k, l
    real(xp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube_params_down 
    integer, dimension(3) :: dim

    dim = shape(cube_params)
    allocate(cube_params_down(dim(1), dim(2), dim(3)))
    cube_params_down = 0._xp
    cube_params_down = cube_params
    allocate(cube_params(dim(1),dim(2)*2, dim(3)*2))
    cube_params = 0._xp
    do i=1,size(cube_params_down,dim=2)
       do j=1,size(cube_params_down,dim=3)
          do k=1,2
             do l=1,2
                cube_params(:,k+((i-1)*2),l+((j-1)*2)) = cube_params_down(:,i,j)
  end subroutine go_up_level

  subroutine init_spectrum(n_gauss, params, dim_v, line, amp_fact_init, sig_init, maxiter, m, iprint)
    !! Initialization of the mean sprectrum with N Gaussian
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: n_gauss !! number of Gaussian
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v !! dimension along v axis
    integer, intent(in) :: maxiter !! Max number of iteration
    integer, intent(in) :: m !! number of corrections used in the limited memory matrix by LBFGS-B
    integer, intent(in) :: iprint !! print option

    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(dim_v) :: line !! spectrum
    real(xp), intent(in) :: amp_fact_init !! times max amplitude of additional Gaussian
    real(xp), intent(in) :: sig_init !! dispersion of additional Gaussian

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(3*n_gauss)  :: params !! params to optimize

    integer :: i, j, k, p
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: lb, ub
    real(xp), dimension(dim_v) :: model, residual
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
    do i=1, n_gauss
       allocate(lb(3*i), ub(3*i))
       model = 0._xp
       residual = 0._xp
       lb = 0._xp; ub=0._xp
       call init_bounds(line, i, dim_v, lb, ub)

       do j=1, i
          do k=1, dim_v
             model(k) = model(k) + gaussian(k, params(1+(3*(j-1))), params(2+(3*(j-1))), params(3+(3*(j-1))))
          end do

       residual = model - line
       x = 0._xp
       do p=1, 3*(i-1)
          x(p) = params(p);
       end do
       x(2+(3*(i-1))) = minloc(residual, dim_v)
       x(1+(3*(i-1))) = line(int(x(2+(3*(i-1))))) * amp_fact_init
       x(3+(3*(i-1))) = sig_init;
       call minimize_spec(3*i, m, x, lb, ub, line, dim_v, i, maxiter, iprint)
       do p=1, 3*i   
          params(p) = x(p);
       end do
       deallocate(lb, ub)
  end subroutine init_spectrum

  subroutine init_bounds(line, n_gauss, dim_v, lb, ub)
    !! Initialize parameters bounds for optimization
    implicit none
    integer, intent(in) :: n_gauss !! number of Gaussian
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v !! dimension along v axis
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(dim_v) :: line !! spectrum   
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(3*n_gauss) :: lb !! lower bounds
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(3*n_gauss) :: ub !! upper bounds
    integer :: i
    real(xp) :: max_line

    max_line = 0._xp
    max_line = maxval(line)
    do i=1, n_gauss       
       ! amplitude bounds
       lb(1+(3*(i-1))) = 0._xp;
       ub(1+(3*(i-1))) = max_line;
       ! mean bounds 
       lb(2+(3*(i-1))) = 0._xp;
       ub(2+(3*(i-1))) = dim_v;
       ! sigma bounds 
       lb(3+(3*(i-1))) = 0.001_xp;
       ub(3+(3*(i-1))) = 100._xp;
    end do
  end subroutine init_bounds

  subroutine upgrade(cube, params, power, n_gauss, dim_v, maxiter, m, iprint)
    !! Upgrade parameters (spectra to spectra) using minimize function (here based on L-BFGS-B optimization module)
    implicit none

    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube !! cube
    integer, intent(in) :: power !! nside of the cube
    integer, intent(in) :: n_gauss !! number of Gaussian
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v !! dimension along v axis
    integer, intent(in) :: maxiter !! max number of iteration
    integer, intent(in) :: m !! number of corrections used in the limited memory matrix by LBFGS-B
    integer, intent(in) :: iprint !! print option

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: params !! cube parameters to update

    integer :: i,j
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: line
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: x
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: lb, ub

    do i=1, power
       do j=1, power
          ! print*, (i-1)*power+j, " / ", power*power
          allocate(x(3*n_gauss), lb(3*n_gauss), ub(3*n_gauss))

          line = cube(:,i,j)
          x = params(:,i,j)
          call init_bounds(line, n_gauss, dim_v, lb, ub)
          call minimize_spec(3*n_gauss, m, x, lb, ub, line, dim_v, n_gauss, maxiter, iprint)
          params(:,i,j) = x
          deallocate(x, lb, ub)
       end do
    end do
  end subroutine upgrade

  subroutine update(cube, params, n_gauss, dim_v, dim_y, dim_x, lambda_amp, lambda_mu, lambda_sig, lambda_var_amp, &
       lambda_var_mu, lambda_var_sig, maxiter, m, kernel, iprint, std_map)
    !! Update parameters (entire cube) using minimize function (here based on L-BFGS-B optimization module)
    implicit none
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube !! cube 
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: std_map !! Standard deviation map 
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: kernel !! convolution kernel
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v !! dimension along v axis
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_y !! dimension along spatial axis y 
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_x !! dimension along spatial axis x
    integer, intent(in) :: n_gauss !! Number of Gaussian
    integer, intent(in) :: maxiter !! max number of iteration
    integer, intent(in) :: m !! number of corrections used in the limited memory matrix by LBFGS-B
    integer, intent(in) :: iprint !! print option
    real(xp), intent(in) :: lambda_amp !! lambda for amplitude parameter
    real(xp), intent(in) :: lambda_mu !! lambda for mean position parameter
    real(xp), intent(in) :: lambda_sig !! lambda for dispersion parameter
    real(xp), intent(in) :: lambda_var_amp !! lambda for amp dispersion parameter
    real(xp), intent(in) :: lambda_var_mu  !! lambda for mean position dispersion parameter
    real(xp), intent(in) :: lambda_var_sig !! lambda for variance dispersion parameter

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: params !! parameters cube to update
    integer :: i,j
    integer :: n_beta
    real(xp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: lb_3D, ub_3D
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: lb, ub
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: beta
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: ravel_amp, ravel_mu, ravel_sig
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: mean_amp, mean_mu, mean_sig    
    real(xp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: image_amp, image_mu, image_sig

    n_beta = 3*n_gauss * dim_y * dim_x

    allocate(lb(n_beta), ub(n_beta), beta(n_beta))
    allocate(lb_3D(3*n_gauss,dim_y,dim_x), ub_3D(3*n_gauss,dim_y,dim_x))
    allocate(mean_amp(n_gauss), mean_mu(n_gauss), mean_sig(n_gauss))
    allocate(image_amp(dim_y, dim_x), image_mu(dim_y, dim_x), image_sig(dim_y, dim_x))
    allocate(ravel_amp(dim_y*dim_x), ravel_mu(dim_y*dim_x), ravel_sig(dim_y*dim_x))

    do j=1, dim_x
       do i=1, dim_y
          call init_bounds(cube(:,i,j), n_gauss, dim_v, lb_3D(:,i,j), ub_3D(:,i,j))
       end do
    end do

    call ravel_3D(lb_3D, lb, 3*n_gauss, dim_y, dim_x)
    call ravel_3D(ub_3D, ub, 3*n_gauss, dim_y, dim_x)
    call ravel_3D(params, beta, 3*n_gauss, dim_y, dim_x)

    !Compute mean sig vector    
    do i=1,n_gauss
       image_amp = params(1+(3*(i-1)),:,:)
       image_mu = params(2+(3*(i-1)),:,:)
       image_sig = params(3+(3*(i-1)),:,:)

       call ravel_2D(image_amp, ravel_amp, dim_y, dim_x)
       call ravel_2D(image_mu, ravel_mu, dim_y, dim_x)
       call ravel_2D(image_sig, ravel_sig, dim_y, dim_x)

       mean_amp(i) = mean(ravel_amp)
       mean_mu(i) = mean(ravel_mu)
       mean_sig(i) = mean(ravel_sig)
    end do

    call minimize(n_beta, m, beta, lb, ub, cube, n_gauss, dim_v, dim_y, dim_x, lambda_amp, lambda_mu, lambda_sig, &
         lambda_var_amp, lambda_var_mu, lambda_var_sig, maxiter, kernel, iprint, std_map, mean_amp, mean_mu, mean_sig)

    call unravel_3D(beta, params, 3*n_gauss, dim_y, dim_x)
  end subroutine update

  subroutine set_stdmap(std_map, cube, lb, ub)
    !! Compute the STD map of a 3D array
    implicit none

    integer, intent(in) :: lb !! lower bound 
    integer, intent(in) :: ub !! upper bound
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube !! cube

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: std_map !! standard deviation map of the cube

    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: line 
    integer, dimension(3) :: dim_cube
    integer :: i, j 

    dim_cube = shape(cube)

    do j=1, dim_cube(3)
       do i=1, dim_cube(2)
          line = cube(lb:ub,i,j)
          std_map(i,j) = std(line)
       end do
    end do
  end subroutine set_stdmap

  subroutine std_spectrum(data, spectrum, dim_v, dim_y, dim_x)
    !! Compute the STD spectrum of a cube along the spatial axis
    implicit none
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: data !! initial fits data
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v !! dimension along v axis
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_y !! dimension along spatial axis y 
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_x !! dimension along spatial axis x

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:), allocatable :: spectrum !! std_spectrum of the observation
    real(xp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: map !! 2D array

    integer :: i !! loop index

    do i=1,dim_v
       map = data(i,:,:)
       spectrum(i) = std_2D(map, dim_y, dim_x)
    end do
  end subroutine std_spectrum  

  subroutine max_spectrum(data, spectrum, dim_v, dim_y, dim_x, norm_value)
    !! Compute the MAX spectrum of a cube along the spatial axis
    implicit none

    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: data !! initial fits data
    real(xp), intent(in), optional :: norm_value !! max value of the mean spectrum to normalze the max spectrum if present
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v !! dimension along v axis
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_y !! dimension along spatial axis y 
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_x !! dimension along spatial axis x

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:), allocatable :: spectrum !! max_spectrum of the observation
    real(xp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: map !! 2D array

    integer :: i !! loop index

    do i=1,dim_v
       map = data(i,:,:)
       spectrum(i) = max_2D(map, dim_y, dim_x) 
    end do

    if (present(norm_value)) then
       spectrum = spectrum / (maxval(spectrum) / norm_value)
    end if

  end subroutine max_spectrum  

  subroutine mean_spectrum(data, spectrum, dim_v, dim_y, dim_x)
    !! Compute the MEAN spectrum of a cube along the spatial axis
    implicit none
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: data !! initial fits data
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v !! dimension along v axis
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_y !! dimension along spatial axis y 
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_x !! dimension along spatial axis x

    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:), allocatable :: spectrum !! std_spectrum of the observation
    real(xp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: map !! 2D array

    integer :: i !! loop index

    do i=1,dim_v
       map = data(i,:,:)
       spectrum(i) = mean_2D(map, dim_y, dim_x)
    end do
  end subroutine mean_spectrum  

  subroutine init_grid_params(params, guess_spectrum, dim_y, dim_x)
    !! Set up a grid params array with std spectrum at each spatial position
    implicit none
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: params !! grid of paramters
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:), allocatable :: guess_spectrum !! std spectrum of the observation
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_y !! dimension along spatial axis y 
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_x !! dimension along spatial axis x

    integer :: i !! index loop
    integer :: j !! index loop

    do j=1, dim_x
       do i=1, dim_y
          params(:,i,j) = guess_spectrum
       end do
    end do

  end subroutine init_grid_params

  subroutine init_new_gauss(cube, params, std_map, n_gauss, dim_v, dim_y, dim_x, amp_fact_init, sig_init)
    implicit none
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: cube   !! mean cube over spatial axis
    real(xp), intent(inout), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: params !! parameters to optimize with cube mean at each iteration
    real(xp), intent(in), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: std_map !! standard deviation map fo the cube computed by ROHSA with lb and ub
    real(xp), intent(in) :: amp_fact_init !! times max amplitude of additional Gaussian
    real(xp), intent(in) :: sig_init !! dispersion of additional Gaussian

    integer, intent(inout) :: n_gauss
    integer, intent(in) :: dim_v, dim_y, dim_x

    real(xp), dimension(:,:), allocatable :: redchi2
    real(xp), dimension(:,:,:), allocatable :: residual
    real(xp), dimension(:), allocatable :: residual_1D
    logical :: new_gauss

    integer :: i, j

    allocate(residual(dim_v, dim_y, dim_x))
    residual = 0._xp    

    new_gauss = .false.

    !Compute the residual function
    allocate(redchi2(dim_y, dim_x))
    redchi2 = 0._xp    
    do j=1, dim_x
       do i=1, dim_y
          residual_1D = 0._xp

          call myresidual(params(:,i,j), cube(:,i,j), residual_1D, n_gauss, dim_v)
          residual(:,i,j) = residual_1D

          redchi2(i,j) = sum((residual_1D / std_map(i,j))**2._xp) / (dim_v - (3*n_gauss))                    

          if (redchi2(i,j) .gt. 1._xp) then
             new_gauss = .true.
          end if
       end do
    end do

    if (new_gauss .eqv. .true.) then
       ! Add new Gaussian
       n_gauss = n_gauss + 1

       do j=1, dim_x
          do i=1, dim_y
             ! Set new values if redchi2 > 1
             if (redchi2(i,j) .gt. 1._xp) then
                params(2+(3*(n_gauss-1)),i,j) = minloc(residual(:,i,j), dim_v)
                params(1+(3*(n_gauss-1)),i,j) = cube(int(params(2+(3*(n_gauss-1)),i,j)),i,j) * amp_fact_init
                params(3+(3*(n_gauss-1)),i,j) = sig_init;
             end if
          end do
       end do
    end if


  end subroutine init_new_gauss

end module mod_functions